The solution for the
vehicle management
I tablet veicolari con scocca rinforzata sono dispositivi elettronici che vengono montati su mezzi industriali come carrelli elevatori, camion, macchine per il movimento terra e altri veicoli. Grazie alla loro robustezza, protezione all’acqua e polvere, e alle numerose funzionalità, i tablet veicolari rappresentano un’importante innovazione tecnologica per il settore dei trasporti e della logistica, ed uno strumento fondamentale per gestire in modo più efficiente e preciso la flotta di veicoli, migliorando la produttività e ottimizzando i processi aziendali.
Always Connected
Il loro montaggio su mezzi industriali permette di tenere sempre sotto controllo la flotta di veicoli, fornendo informazioni in tempo reale sulla loro posizione, sullo stato di manutenzione e sulla gestione dei carichi. Grazie alla connessione wireless, rete cellulare, e alla possibilità di integrare interfacce specifiche quali RS232, RJ45, CAN-bus, … i tablet veicolari permettono una gestione efficiente e precisa dei mezzi, riducendo i tempi di fermo e ottimizzando le operazioni di trasporto e logistica.
Satellite Localisation
Grazie alla compatiblità con il sistema di montaggio VESA e RAM, possono essere facilmente montati sui muletti ed aiutare il lavoro degli operatori all’interno dello stabilimento o punto logistico, consentendo loro di avere sempre a portata di mano un dispositivo per accedere a dati e informazioni in tempo reale.
Con l’impiego del sistema di navigazione satellitare GPS, i tablet sono particolarmente utili anche nel settore agricolo, per monitorare l’utilizzo dei campi e dei macchinari, raccogliere dati sulla resa delle colture e gestire la manutenzione delle attrezzature.
DISPLAY: 8.1″ risoluzione 1280 x 800
TOUCHSCREEN: Capacitive multi-touch
CPU:MediaTek Octa-Core
What is included in the delivery of a Ruggtek device?
Each Ruggtek device includes a battery, power supply for charging the device, carrying handle, rubber-tipped pen, protective film on the display, quick user guide, warranty certificate, software licence (in the case of Windows operating system).
What kind of wireless signals are present on Ruggtek devices?
Ruggtek devices integrate dual-band wireless (2.4 and 5.0GHz), Bluetooth and 4G LTE or 5G telephone networking as standard.
Will my Ruggtek work worldwide?
Ruggtek devices work around the world and you can take them with you virtually anywhere; you can use wireless technology or via international roaming on GSM networks in over 200 countries and territories. The availability of LTE or 5G networks varies depending on the country or territory, and on the LTE and 5G frequencies supported by the operator.
Why should I buy a Ruggtek without a dealer SIM?
If you purchase a device without a phone contract (Vodafone, T-Mobile, 3, Orange, etc.) from a Ruggtek dealer, you will not be tied to a specific phone provider or service plan. The device remains unencumbered, so you can use it with any network and tariff.
Can I make phone calls with Ruggtek devices?
Certainly, Ruggtek devices allow telephony or voice-over-IP functionality.
How do you charge the device?
The device can be recharged using the power supply unit supplied.
Alternatively, it can be connected to a computer or power bank with an output voltage and amperage equivalent to the Ruggtek device's specifications.
Can Ruggtek guarantee that current Android or Windows devices will be compatible with future Google and Microsoft operating system launches?
No one can state with absolute certainty or guarantee that Android or Windows mobile devices purchased today will be compatible with future operating system releases. Neither Ruggtek. Nor Google. Nor Microsoft. Nor the chipset manufacturer. Not even our competitors or partners.
The launch of a new operating system for a device, be it Android or Windows, depends on a whole series of factors that Ruggtek has to follow as well as the manufacturer of the chipset and individual electronic components.
To state otherwise is misleading.
If I have a problem or breakdown, how will I cope?
If you buy a Ruggtek device, you have the security of being able to rely on service centres in Europe or you can contact the office in Italy directly.
The device can be repaired up to two years after the End of Life (EOL) notification; in case of an extended warranty, we will repair your device until the end of the extension period.
I am an end user, can I buy a device from Ruggtek?
If you are a private individual or freelancer, you can purchase Ruggtek products from one of our dealers. Please fill in the form below and we will send you directions to your nearest point of sale.